
Sales Genebre in Germany

We offer the full range of products of Genebre products. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. Genebre products are preference of the world due to high quality and low price. Refer us for having a professional service with our expert stuff.

Brand products Genebre

4801 08


2223 06

Stainless Steel Needle Valve

3097H 04

Mini Ball Valve

3097 04

Cut-Off Ball Valve

2401 09

Check Valve (double disk) wafer type

2401 14

Check Valve (double disk) wafer type

2401 20

Check Valve (double disk) wafer type

2108A 09

Butterfly valve

2108A 16

Butterfly valve

2108A 20

Butterfly valve


PN25 ball valve


Gate valve with EPDM seal and ductile iron housing

2025 3

ball valve

2222 02

needle valve

2222 03

needle valve

2222 04

needle valve

2222 05

needle valve

2222 06

needle valve

3190 05

pressure relief valve

Other Category Brands

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